
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Saging con Hielo

Saging con Hielo

  •       4 to 6 pieces ripe saba banana, peeled
  •       ¾ cup brown sugar
  •       1½ cups water
  •       1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla essence
  •       ¼ teaspoon salt
  •       1½ cups shaved ice
  •       ¼ cup evaporated milk

1.    Pour-in the water in a cooking pot. Let boil.
2.    Put-in the brown sugar. Stir.
3.    Add the vanilla extract (or essence) and salt. Stir once more. Cook for 1 minute.
4.    Add the saba banana. Cover the cooking pot. Adjust the heat to low and cook for 10 to  15 minutes. Let the liquid reduce to half. Turn-off the heat and allow the banana to cool.
5.    Transfer to a serving bowl. Top with shaved ice and pour evaporated milk.
6.    Serve. Share and enjoy!

Nutrition Information

Serving size: 4


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